Numerals include all numbers, whether written as words (one, two, three) or as digits (1, 2, 3). There are two main subclasses of numerals:
1 Cardinal numerals are used in counting. They refer to quantity:
zero, nought, 0
one, 1
two, 2
three, 3
fifty, 50
one hundred, 100
one thousand, 1,000
2 Ordinal numerals refer to positions in a sequence:
first, 1st
second, 2nd
third, 3rd
fiftieth, 50th
one hundredth, 100th
one thousandth, 1,000th
By analogy with first, the word last is also an ordinal numeral, although it cannot be written as a digit.
1 Cardinal numerals are used in counting. They refer to quantity:
zero, nought, 0
one, 1
two, 2
three, 3
fifty, 50
one hundred, 100
one thousand, 1,000
2 Ordinal numerals refer to positions in a sequence:
first, 1st
second, 2nd
third, 3rd
fiftieth, 50th
one hundredth, 100th
one thousandth, 1,000th
By analogy with first, the word last is also an ordinal numeral, although it cannot be written as a digit.